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Monte Cucco in Mountain Bike
3rd edition - Sunday, June 12, 2011

Two trips of about 25 km and 40 km that run in the Park of Monte Cucco and in the Valley of Chiasco, including natural scenery of incomparable beauty, the edition of June 13, 2010, a national competitive event inserted into the TOUR 3 REGIONS FRW , the participants reached 650, the race of 40 km. was won by defending champion Marzio Bergamo Deho in two hours and 48 seconds. The event is sponsored and organized by the Association. sport "Cucco in Bike", there are numerous side events from the day before the race. Regarding the organizational aspects, there will be many initiatives worthy of note, since gluten-free menu at the pasta party and available on request to the breakfast offered before the race. Maximum attention to safety, with over one hundred volunteers along the way, medical and mechanical assistance, two refreshment and as many water point along the way. Confirmed the team time trial "Brefiocart", on the slope of Mount Cucco, the longest of the race, much appreciated last year.
Will also change the arrival, which will no longer be square, but at the sport, bringing together in this way all the logistics and speeding pre and post race. Among the changes the inclusion as a fifth and final stage of Umbria Marathon.